Poddar Group of Institutions
Poddar Group of Institutions

Water Harvesting

Water Harvesting

Water Harvesting

Being a critical and perpetual natural resource, water is essential for the health of every species on Earth, socio-economic prosperity of a country, food production, and environment. Many countries are facing severe pressure of water scarcity around the world. On the other side, changing demographic patterns, socio-economic development, technological innovation and environmental degradation, especially climate change, are responsible for creating an acute water shortage for human life (Wu et al. 2020). In such a situation, it has been found that technological solutions like rainwater harvesting, wastewater reuse and desalination can reduce the problem to some extent, also in countries with modest economical means.

Poddar International College, a leading college in Jaipur is working on a “Water and Sanitation Project” in which blocks of major districts of Rajasthan are covered.

The term ‘water harvesting’ generally refers to the collection of rainstorm-generated runoff from a particular area (a catchment) in order to provide water for human, animal, or crop use. The water thus collected can either be utilized immediately, as for irrigation, or be stored in aboveground ponds or in subsurface reservoirs, such as cisterns or shallow aquifers, for subsequent utilization. As such, water harvesting is an ancient practice that has enabled some societies to subsist in semiarid and arid areas where other sources of fresh water (e.g., rivers, lakes, or aquifers) are scant or unavailable. 

In an increasingly interconnected world, Poddar International College, one of the top colleges in Rajasthan prepares its students to be global leaders and efficient citizens through its diverse and top UG and PG courses.

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is the collection and storage of rain, rather than allowing it to run off. Rainwater is collected from a roof like surface and redirected to a tank, cistern, deep pit (well, shaft, or borehole), aquifer, or a reservoir with percolation, so that it seeps down and restores the ground water.

Poddar International College, one of the top colleges in Rajasthan undertakes many research projects related to water harvesting under the Department of Science and Technology.


Rain harvesting has many advantages. They are listed below:

  • It can be used as an additional water source wherever water is scarce and needed.
  • It is self-sufficient and ensures the protection of water resources.
  • It is purified to provide safe drinking water.
  • It is used for planting and landscape irrigation.
  • It reduces rainwater runoff into surface runoff.
  • It uses simple technology and is easy maintenance.
  • It has a low cost of use.
  • It reduces the demand for surface water and groundwater.
  • Its invoice and operating costs are low.
  • It is a simple and flexible system. The public can be informed about issues such as maintenance and operation.
  • It can be built anywhere, regardless of the terrain, geology or infrastructure management plans.
  • Water can be delivered directly to households or to closer locations. By preventing transportation from a distant location, time and energy savings are achieved.
  • It reduces surface runoff in urban areas and ensures that surface waters are less polluted by pollutants (fertilizers, pesticides and sediment) that can be carried by water.
  • It provides additional water supply in case of any disruption in the water distribution network or during drought periods.

In Poddar International College students are aware about water harvesting system and made many working modals related to rain water harvesting. 

Poddar International College provides best UG and PG courses in Science, Arts and Commerce along with other diverse courses.